logdistiller-1_3.dtd: Elements - Entities - Source | Intro - Index


<logdistiller> Root element

LogDistiller's classification rules root element.

<logdistiller>'s children
categoryAny number
descriptionOnly one
groupAt least one
logtypeOnly one
outputOnly one
propertyAny number
<logdistiller>'s attributes
idMatch the ID rules.
Element's model:

(property*, description, logtype, output, category*, group+)

@id Attribute of logdistiller

the identifier that will be used in reports

Possible values: Match the ID rules. - Required

<property/> Child of logdistiller

A property definition. After its definition, property's value can be referenced in params, descriptions or matches with ${property-name} syntax. The property value set in rules definition file can be overriden at runtime by LogDistiller's ant task through equivalent property element.


<property name="logs.subdir" value=""/>

<property>'s attributes
nameMatch the NMTOKENS rules.

This element is always empty.

@name Attribute of property

name of the property

Possible values: Match the NMTOKENS rules. - Required

@value Attribute of property

value of the property


<description> Child of logdistiller, group

Description of the corresponding element, which will be printed in reports, after property substitution: ${property-name} is replaced by property's value.

<logtype> Child of logdistiller

Logtype of the logs that will be distilled.

<logtype>'s children
paramAny number
<logtype>'s attributes
idMatch the ID rules.
Element's model:


@id Attribute of logtype

Element identifier.

Possible values: Match the ID rules. - Required

<param> Child of output, logtype, plugin, report, group

A parameter definition, to customize its parent element. Parameter's value is read from element's content, after property substitution: ${property-name} is replaced by property's value.

<param>'s attributes
nameMatch the NMTOKENS rules.

@name Attribute of param

name of the parameter. Available names vary depending on the usage context.

Possible values: Match the NMTOKENS rules. - Required

<output> Child of logdistiller

Definition of the output of the logdistillation.

<output>'s children
paramAny number
reportAny number
<output>'s attributes
skipMatch the IDREF rules.
Element's model:

(param*, report*)

@directory Attribute of output

the directory where all generated files will be stored


@url Attribute of output

the url where the reports can be downloaded (to enable links in reports)

@content Attribute of output

content description of the data processed for the output


@skip Attribute of output

id of the category or group that must be skipped in the analysis.

Possible values: Match the IDREF rules.

<report> Child of output, group

Definition of a report.

<report>'s children
paramAny number
<report>'s attributes
formatMatch the NMTOKEN rules.txt
publisherMatch the NMTOKEN rules.
Element's model:


@publisher Attribute of report

publisher id of the report: file, mail, feed, ...

Possible values: Match the NMTOKEN rules. - Required

@format Attribute of report

(for future extension) format of the report: txt, html, pdf, ...

Possible values: Match the NMTOKEN rules. - Default value: txt

<category> Child of logdistiller

A category definition, to aggregate multiple correlated groups in the global report. Category's description is read from element's content.

<category>'s attributes
idMatch the ID rules.

@id Attribute of category

the identifier of the category, which will be referenced by corresponding group definitions

Possible values: Match the ID rules. - Required

<group> Child of logdistiller

A group definition, to describe the rules that log events must match to be counted in it.

<group>'s children
conditionAny number
descriptionOnly one
paramAny number
pluginAny number
reportAny number
<group>'s attributes
categoryMatch the IDREF rules.
continueProcessingtrue, falsefalse
idMatch the ID rules.
savetrue, falsetrue
Element's model:

(description, param*, condition*, report*, plugin*)

@id Attribute of group

the identifier that will be printed in reports and used as a basename for files corresponding to this group

Possible values: Match the ID rules. - Required

@continueProcessing Attribute of group

if a log event corresponds to this group, should the log event continue to be compared to the next groups or simply stop? By default, the classification of a log event stops after the first match: a log event is assigned to only one group.

Possible values: true, false - Default value: false

@save Attribute of group

should the log events in this group be saved in a file? Log events are saved in a file named id.log.

Possible values: true, false - Default value: true

@category Attribute of group

a group can take part in a category by referring category's id

Possible values: Match the IDREF rules.

<condition> Child of group

A definition of a condition that a log event must match to be part of corresponding group. A condition is composed of one ore more attribute match: a log event must match every attribute for the condition to be ok. If there are multiple conditions defined for a group, a log event has to match only one condition to be part of the group.

<condition>'s children
matchAt least one
Element's model:


<match> Child of condition

A definition of an attribute match: the log event's attribute is compared to this element's value.


<match attribute="timestamp" type="contains">${date}</match>
<match attribute="severity" type="!equals">Error</match>
<match attribute="message_text" type="regexp">Server state changed to \S+</match>

<match>'s attributes

@attribute Attribute of match

the name of the log event attribute to test


@type Attribute of match

the type of comparison that has to be made: it can be contains, equals, startsWith, endsWith, regexp or the negation of the test when prefixed with ! (!contains, !equals, !startsWith, !endsWith, !regexp)


<plugin> Child of group

Activation of a plugin for log events in corresponding group.

<plugin>'s children
paramAny number
<plugin>'s attributes
globalReporttrue, falsetrue
groupReporttrue, falsetrue
Element's model:


@type Attribute of plugin

type of the plugin


@globalReport Attribute of plugin

can the plugin add info in the global report?

Possible values: true, false - Default value: true

@groupReport Attribute of plugin

can the plugin add info in the group report?

Possible values: true, false - Default value: true