View Javadoc
1   package net.sf.logdistiller.gui;
3   /*
4    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   * limitations under the License.
15   */
17  import java.awt.Insets;
18  import;
19  import java.util.*;
20  import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
21  import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
22  import org.w3c.dom.Document;
23  import org.w3c.dom.Element;
25  import com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints;
27  import net.sf.logdistiller.xml.DOMUtils;
29  /**
30   * This class is a simplified version of FormLayoutMaker's equivalent class, in a dream to avoid need for Java 1.4 at
31   * runtime.
32   */
33  public class SimpleLayoutConstraintsManager
34  {
35      private final Map<String, SimpleContainerLayout> layouts = new HashMap<String, SimpleContainerLayout>();
37      private SimpleLayoutConstraintsManager()
38      {
39      }
41      public SimpleContainerLayout getLayout( String name )
42      {
43          return layouts.get( name );
44      }
46      public void addLayout( SimpleContainerLayout containerLayout )
47      {
48          layouts.put( containerLayout.getName(), containerLayout );
49      }
51      public static final String DEFAULT = "default";
53      private final static Map<String, CellConstraints.Alignment> CELL_CONSTRAINTS =
54          new HashMap<String, CellConstraints.Alignment>()
55      {
56          private static final long serialVersionUID = -3816092941389065583L;
58          {
59              put( "default", CellConstraints.DEFAULT );
60              put( "fill", CellConstraints.FILL );
61              put( "center", CellConstraints.CENTER );
62              put( "left", CellConstraints.LEFT );
63              put( "right", CellConstraints.RIGHT );
64              put( "top", CellConstraints.TOP );
65              put( "bottom", CellConstraints.BOTTOM );
66          }
67      };
69      public static CellConstraints.Alignment getAlignment( String value )
70      {
71          CellConstraints.Alignment alignment = CELL_CONSTRAINTS.get( ( value == null ) ? DEFAULT : value );
72          if ( alignment == null )
73          {
74              throw new RuntimeException( "Invalid alignment '" + value + "'" );
75          }
76          return alignment;
77      }
79      public static SimpleLayoutConstraintsManager getLayoutConstraintsManager( InputStream stream )
80      {
81          try
82          {
83              DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
84              Document dataDocument = documentBuilder.parse( stream );
85              Element root = (Element) dataDocument.getDocumentElement();
86              return getLayoutConstraintsManager( root );
87          }
88          catch ( Exception e )
89          {
90              throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to create DocumentBuilder", e );
91          }
92      }
94      public static SimpleLayoutConstraintsManager getLayoutConstraintsManager( Element containersNode )
95      {
96          if ( !containersNode.getNodeName().equals( "containers" ) )
97          {
98              throw new RuntimeException( "Expected a node named 'containers', found '" + containersNode.getNodeName()
99                  + "'" );
100         }
101         SimpleLayoutConstraintsManager layoutConstraintsManager = new SimpleLayoutConstraintsManager();
102         Iterator<Element> iter = DOMUtils.getChildElementsByTagName( containersNode, "container" );
103         while ( iter.hasNext() )
104         {
105             Element containerNode = (Element);
106             String containerName = containerNode.getAttribute( "name" );
107             String columnSpecs = containerNode.getAttribute( "columnSpecs" );
108             String rowSpecs = containerNode.getAttribute( "rowSpecs" );
109             SimpleContainerLayout containerLayout = new SimpleContainerLayout( containerName, columnSpecs, rowSpecs );
111             Iterator<Element> iterConstraints = DOMUtils.getChildElementsByTagName( containerNode, "cellconstraints" );
112             while ( iterConstraints.hasNext() )
113             {
114                 Element constraintsNode = (Element);
115                 String name = constraintsNode.getAttribute( "name" );
116                 CellConstraints.Alignment horizontalAlignment =
117                     getAlignment( constraintsNode.getAttribute( "horizontalAlignment" ) );
118                 CellConstraints.Alignment verticalAlignment =
119                     getAlignment( constraintsNode.getAttribute( "verticalAlignment" ) );
120                 int gridX = getIntValue( constraintsNode, "gridX", 1 );
121                 int gridY = getIntValue( constraintsNode, "gridY", 1 );
122                 int gridWidth = getIntValue( constraintsNode, "gridWidth", 1 );
123                 int gridHeight = getIntValue( constraintsNode, "gridHeight", 1 );
124                 int topInset = getIntValue( constraintsNode, "topInset", 0 );
125                 int bottomInset = getIntValue( constraintsNode, "bottomInset", 0 );
126                 int rightInset = getIntValue( constraintsNode, "rightInset", 0 );
127                 int leftInset = getIntValue( constraintsNode, "leftInset", 0 );
129                 CellConstraints constraints =
130                     new CellConstraints( gridX, gridY, gridWidth, gridHeight, horizontalAlignment, verticalAlignment,
131                                          new Insets( topInset, leftInset, bottomInset, rightInset ) );
132                 containerLayout.addCellConstraints( name, constraints );
133             }
134             layoutConstraintsManager.addLayout( containerLayout );
135         }
136         return layoutConstraintsManager;
137     }
139     private static int getIntValue( Element elmt, String name, int defaultValue )
140     {
141         String value = elmt.getAttribute( name );
142         return ( value == null ) ? defaultValue : Integer.parseInt( value );
143     }
144 }